What kind of Twitterer am I? I'm kind of on a role with this data mining of Twitter so I'll take a brief look at my own Twitter habits.
session = TwitterSessionOpen["User"->"ragfield"]
Length[tweets = TwitterUserAllTimeline[session]]
DateDifference[TwitterStatusDate@Last@tweets, TwitterStatusDate@First@tweets, {"Year", "Month", "Day"}]
{{1, Year}, {3, Month}, {20.83855324074074`, Day}}
Length[tweets] / DateDifference[TwitterStatusDate@Last@tweets, TwitterStatusDate@First@tweets, {"Day"}][[1, 1]]
1487 total tweets in the last 1 year, 3 months, and 21 days. On average that's 3.125 tweets per day.
DateListPlot[Tally[{#[[1]], #[[2]], 1, 0, 0, 0.}&/@(TwitterStatusDate/@tweets)], Joined->True, Filling->Axis, FrameLabel->{"Month", "Tweets per month"}, PlotLabel->"Ragfield Twitter usage", DateTicksFormat->{"MonthNameShort", " ", "Year"}]
N[% / Length[tweets]]
107,442 total characters typed. On average that's 72 characters per tweet, roughly half the allotted space.
First@SortBy[TwitterStatusText/@tweets, StringLength]
My shortest tweet was simply "bed".
Length[allWords = StringSplit[StringJoin[Riffle[TwitterStatusText/@tweets, " "]], Except[WordCharacter|"'"]..]]
19,188 unique words typed.
Length[allWords = DeleteCases[allWords, x_/;StringMatchQ[x, DigitCharacter..]]]
18,528 if you don't count numbers.
First@Reverse@SortBy[Tally[allWords], Part[#, 2]&]
{the, 604}
The most common word I've typed is "the". That's not terribly useful. Let's take a look at just nouns to see what kind of topics I mention most frequently.
Length[nouns = Cases[allWords, x_/;MemberQ[WordData[x], "Noun", ‚àû]]]
Grid[Take[Reverse@SortBy[Tally[nouns], Part[#, 2]&], 30], Alignment->{{Right, Left}}]
I | 431 |
a | 419 |
in | 259 |
at | 126 |
have | 77 |
bike | 62 |
work | 54 |
time | 52 |
out | 51 |
are | 48 |
ride | 45 |
think | 43 |
so | 43 |
run | 43 |
now | 42 |
like | 42 |
one | 38 |
d | 38 |
morning | 36 |
last | 36 |
can | 36 |
race | 35 |
miles | 35 |
mile | 35 |
home | 35 |
first | 35 |
way | 34 |
still | 34 |
year | 31 |
good | 31 |
Most common topics: bike, work, time, ride, think, run, like, morning, race, mile(s), home.
We can do the same thing with verbs to see what kind of actions I describe most frequently.
Length[verbs = Cases[allWords, x_/;MemberQ[WordData[x], "Verb", ‚àû]]]
Grid[Take[Reverse@SortBy[Tally[verbs], Part[#, 2]&], 30], Alignment->{{Right, Left}}]
is | 164 |
was | 108 |
be | 80 |
have | 77 |
bike | 62 |
up | 59 |
work | 54 |
time | 52 |
out | 51 |
ride | 45 |
been | 44 |
think | 43 |
run | 43 |
has | 43 |
like | 42 |
last | 36 |
can | 36 |
race | 35 |
home | 35 |
still | 34 |
had | 32 |
got | 32 |
get | 30 |
do | 30 |
back | 28 |
long | 27 |
will | 26 |
see | 26 |
did | 25 |
know | 24 |
Most common actions: bike, work, ride, think, run, race, see, know. I guess there's a lot of overlap between the nouns and the verbs.
It's also pretty easy to determine the other users I mention most frequently.
Grid[Take[Reverse@SortBy[Tally[StringCases[StringJoin[Riffle[TwitterStatusText/@tweets, " "]], "@"~~a:Except[WhitespaceCharacter]..:>Hyperlink[ToLowerCase[a], "http://twitter.com/"<>ToLowerCase[a]]]], Part[#, 2]&], 10]]
melissa_raguet | 84 |
spoonshake | 69 |
esmithrunner | 32 |
erik_d | 28 |
dbfulton | 18 |
gutzville | 14 |
ultrashea | 11 |
erik__d | 9 |
adamengst | 9 |
chockenberry | 6 |
Download WebUtils.m (required by Twitter.m).
1 comment:
Rob, I think these packages no longer work due to the move to Oauth? Any hope of an Oauth version in the near future? Will Wolfram support Oauth?
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